FDR, the three-part series on The History Channel, is a must see historical documentary with a wealth of archive illustrations. But it glosses over and mostly ignores many of FDR’s real motivations and actions to get the United States into war and to rule the world.

Paris, February 24, 2023: Socrates George Kazolias– The Collective West are dead wrong to be jubilating over the UN vote calling on Russia to withdraw behind the “internationally recognized borders” of Ukraine.


But before the jingoists in the West celebrate too loudly that the imperialist powers of the US and Europe got a majority of countries to vote in favor of Germany’s proposed resolution, let me remind you that these are the same countries the ‘Collective West’ bullied, threatened, and bribed into backing the invasion of Iraq, the occupation of Afghanistan, the brutal aggressions of Yemen, Serbia, Libya, Syria, just to mention a few.

This is a response to a correspondence I am having with a good friend who seems to believe we are the good guys in the Ukraine mess. As I try to explain, we have never been the good guys. It doesn’t mean the others are but I am more concerned with what we are doing wrong. Please leave a comment at the end.

by Socrates George Kazolias: It is hard to find the truth about what is happening in Ukraine. Neither side can be trusted and the censorship, especially in Europe, and online, is a major handicap. But if you look hard enough, and study past experience, you can fit pieces together.

Cabals and conspiracies exist and should not be shunned aside because of Q-crazies. Stephan Wertheim’s book “Tomorrow the World: The Birth of U.S. Global Supremacy” (Harvard, 2020), illustrates exhaustively that the blueprint of everything evil the U.S. has done in the world over the past 80 years, was devised in the highest circles of U.S. power between 1939 and Pearl Harbor.

What is baffling is that so many who are ready to condemn American aggression and folly in Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan, still try to find justification for the U.S. as a defender of some elusive “liberty” which required 500,000 people to be killed in a military coup in Indonesia, a brutal dictatorship installed in Iran which led to the Islamic Republic, up to four million killed in Vietnam, a million in Iraq and the list is endless.

Tübingen, Germany, Sept. 14:

— Just a few reflections and arm-chair “fantasizing” on a very dangerous situation in the eastern Mediterranean Sea as the Turkish President, Recip Tayyip Erdogan, plays chicken with Greece and the French– A game which could lead to hundreds of thousands of casualties.

Greek Special Forces in Cyprus

Amateurs talk about strategy and tactics. Professionals worry about logistics.

The new a bandage on our lost heritage

Munich, Germany: This visit to Munich was another reminder to me at how criminal it is to bomb civilians and cultural targets, pardon war criminals and carry out preventive strikes and targeted murders. Those who come to wonderful Munich should understand what we all lost from stupid kids with armies breaking irreparable windows. The Allies hanged thousands of Germans and Japanese for what they had done themselves and we continue to do it.

I am afraid the impeachment proceedings in DC have as much to do with rewriting history to make war as they do about getting rid of Donald Trump. The fact the press refuses to challenge the anti-Russian hysteria and set the facts straight is worrisome. Could hate for Trump be so great they are ready to stumble into yet another war?

Pull The Plug. Nail Its Coffin Shut!

In an interview with the Economist published November 7, French President Emanuel Macron said:NATO is brain dead.” After nearly three years of attacks by President Trump and a rapprochement of NATO member Turkey with Russia, here yet is another nail in the coffin of an alliance that should have died with the fall of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union in 1991.

The First Casualty of War is the Truth!L1030416

There is a conservative movement in France rewriting the history of World War One. These people say the Allies should have never accepted an Armistice and marched on to Berlin once the German 1918 offensive was broken, thanks to US intervention. They say this would have prevented World War Two. They made the 100th anniversary of the Armistice a celebration of the Generals. They claim the war was fought by “patriots for liberty.” They say we are wrong to measure the killing with today’s yard-stick.